Whiskey and Tequila
Meet Whiskey and Tequila - two charming red foxes who arrived at Southwest Wildlife in 2019.

They came from the Wildlife Waystation in California - a sanctuary that unfortunately had to close its doors. Southwest was happy to take in several of their non-releasable animals for permanent housing.
Whiskey and Tequila were first introduced here at Southwest. It didn't take long for them to hit it off, and both can be seen playing together on the tour route.
Although Tequila is only 2/3 of Whiskey's size, her personality more than makes up for the size difference! She can often be heard before she is seen.
Red foxes aren't typically found this far south in Arizona. They prefer colder forest climates. Therefore, we go to great efforts to keep them cool in our hot desert summers. They have an a/c unit and a misting system, they get special mousecicles - yep! mouse popsicles - in the summertime. All this comes at an extra cost. Your sponsorship helps us give them the best care possible, and ensures they live out their lives in peace and comfort.