Chihuahuan Raven, Corvus cryptoleucus
- Habitat: Arid grasslands and desert scrub
- Status: Least Concern
- Population Trend: Stable
- Diet: Large insects, cultivated crops, garbage, eggs and young of other birds, fruit
- Weight: 1 - 2 lbs.
- Size: 1.5' - 1.7' long; 3.5' wingspan
- Lifespan: 8 - 15 years in the wild; 30 - 40 years in human care
- Interesting Facts:
- Unlike most crows and ravens, the Chihuahuan Raven frequently reuses its nest in subsequent years. Some pairs may maintain two nests and use them in alternate years.
- The oldest recorded Chihuahuan Raven was at least 21 years, and 9 months old when it was caught and released in Arizona in 2001.
- Chihuahuan Ravens are often more sociable than Common Ravens, and flocks of up to several hundred may be seen soaring over the plains on warm winter days, or scavenging at garbage dumps.