Join Southwest Wildlife online for our virtual Speaker Series!
Local organizations and wildlife professionals will tell us about living with our fascinating local wildlife and conservation efforts to save them for future generations. Hosted via Zoom, from 6:30- 8:30 PM. These virtual webinars will feature a two-hour presentation from Arizona Game and Fish biologists Jeff Meyers and Cheyenne Towne followed by a Q&A session from attendees. Learn about wildlife living around Arizona, as well as the challenges they face - from the comfort of your couch!
Want the information but not available for the scheduled time slot? No problem! Each purchaser will receive a link to the recording after the event.
Each month will feature a new topic. You can see them listed below. Some upcoming topics you may see are:
- Adaptations of Wildlife to Southwestern Desert Environments
- Arizona Desert Mammals
- Arizona Ungulates
- Bats of Arizona
- Black Bear
- California Condors
- Corvids
- Desert Squirrels & Chipmunks
- Desert Tortoise
- Foxes of Arizona
- High Cost of Habitat Fragmentation
- Horned Lizards
- Javelina
- Keeping a Field Journal
- Mesocarnivores
- Origins of the Sonoran Desert
- Packrats
- Peregrine Falcons
- Rattlesnakes of Arizona
- Scorpions
- Snakes of Arizona
- Unlovable Critters
- Venomous and Poisonous Animals of Arizona
- Waterfowl of Arizona
- What is the Wildlife Viewing Program?
- Wildcats of Arizona
- Wildlife Photography
- Wolves & Coyotes
Stay tuned & check back for them to be posted!
The Speaker Series events are by reservation only. Tickets are sold for each talk and are $20 for an individual viewer, $40 for a family viewing (one household), and $60 for a Watch Party (more than one household). All sales will close 24 hours before the event begins.
To register for one of these Speaker Series events, click the "Book Now" button at the top of the page, then choose the date you'd like to attend. Links will be sent out 24 hours before the start of the event.
February 13th, 2025
Arizona is home to four different species of wildcats including the third largest felid in the world. Wildcats of all species are capable of taking prey much larger than themselves and seemingly impossible feats of athleticism. Feared, loathed, and worshiped, wildcats have had a varied relationship with humans from the beginning of time. From Jaguars to bobcats learn about these misunderstood predators starting with their fossil origins and ancestors to their current ecology with Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Jeff Meyers.
March 6th, 2025
Who are you calling a pig? Javelina, also known as Collared Peccaries, are actually not pigs, even though they have a common reputation for being such. Join us and learn more about these highly sociable, widely distributed, and often seen animals here in Arizona!
April 10th, 2025
It may come as a surprise, but Arizona is an attraction to many different species of waterfowl. These birds utilize any and all water, though scarce, throughout Arizona. In fact, Southern Arizona has a waterfowl paradise known as Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area where more than 20,000 Sandhill Cranes come to spend their winter! Join us to learn more about these birds, and the other waterfowl that you may see in the State of Arizona. Instructed by Cheyenne Towne and Jeff Meyers, wildlife biologists for the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
August 7th, 2025
While we realize talking about the unkindness of ravens or a murder of crows isn't exactly an upbeat way to start a conversation, we wanted to invite you to the brand new Corvid presentation! Corvidae is a group of birds that are incredibly intelligent, varied, and bold. This group of Passerines includes birds such as Ravens, Crows, Jays, Magpies, and Nutcrackers. They are medium to large-sized birds with a brain and intellect that is unmatched in the animal kingdom. Join us to learn more about this group of birds and what they are all about! A presentation by Arizona Game and Fish biologists Jeff Meyers and Cheyenne Towne.
September 11th, 2025
Owls are surrounded by myth and mystery. Attributed with wisdom, they are indeed unique birds of prey with an incredible ability to rotate their heads 270 degrees and fly silently. Arizona is home to 13 species of owls and their incredible diversity highlights their differences in size, shape, plumage, and behaviors. Join us for a virtual presentation about owls in Arizona! The event should be a hoot! A presentation by Arizona Game and Fish biologists Cheyenne Towne and Jeff Meyers.
October 9th, 2025
Ahhh! What is that gross thing? Surely there has been a time in all of our lives where we had this same recreation to certain critters or creepy crawlers, but now is the time to correct our thinking and learn about these incredible creatures that live among us. Join Jeff Meyers and Cheyenne Towne to learn about these “unlovable” critters that get a bad reputation. During this presentation, we will quickly dive into the lives of animals like bats, skunks, vultures, opossums, snails, snakes, rodents, and arachnids. Who knows, by the end you may love all of them!
Photo by Randy Babb
November 6th, 2025
With their elephantine (“columnar”) legs and domed shells, the desert tortoise is difficult to mistake for anything else that lives in the regions it natively inhabits. Join us to learn more about this fascinating species where we will cover the natural history of turtles and tortoises, their unique anatomy, life habits, behaviors, and how they make a living in one of the driest regions on Earth. These elusive and captivating distinctive desert dwellers are well worth an in-depth look with AZGFD wildlife biologists Jeff Meyers and Cheyenne Towne of the Wildlife Viewing Program.
December 11th, 2025
Take a closer look at the highly adaptable Coyote; an extraordinarily intelligent and opportunistic species! After, we will delve deeper into the history of Arizona’s wolves and what caused them to become extinct and how AZGFD, along with other federal and state agencies, have reintroduced the Mexican Gray Wolf back into our ecosystem.