Happy Earth Day to you! A favorite holiday around these parts, Earth Day celebrates the preservation and conservation of all things wild and free.
There are many actions you can take to invest in our planet. Following and supporting Southwest Wildlife is one! In the image above, there are several more actions you can take to really make a difference in the lives of humans, animals, the earth, and the quality of life for all future generations.
1. Practice Sustainable Fashion
Got a hole in those jeans? Blouse missing a button? Choose to repair the items you already own instead of indulging in Fast Fashion. (Pro tip: When you get the urge to shop for new clothing, reorganize your closet instead. Remembering pieces we already have and love gives you time to let the shopping craving pass!)
2. Say No to Single-Use Plastic
Pass on the straw. Bring a reusable coffee cup. Pack a portable case with utensils inside. Every bit of plastic you don't use is a piece of plastic that stays out of our environment.
3. Switch to Online Billing
Less Paper = More Trees. If you haven't already, request your utilities, subscriptions, taxes, and more be managed digitally. (Pro tip: Keep everything in one place with an app like Mint! It takes some time to make this transition and it's difficult. So worth it in the end.)
4. Bring a Reusable Water Bottle
Water is so important to life. Make a habit of filling up and bringing a reusable water bottle with you when hiking, shopping, walking, working - anywhere you go! Not only does this save you lots of money in the longterm, but it also prevents so much plastic from polluting the ocean and beyond.
5. Plogging
It's fun to say, isn't it? Plogging is the act of picking up trash while walking, jogging, or running. Next time you head out into your neighborhood, local parks, or hiking trails, bring a garbage bag with you. This simple act of kindness beautifies our environment and removes the opportunity for wildlife to eat something they shouldn't.
Thank you for being part of this online community. Because of you, Southwest Wildlife rescues, rehabilitates, and releases hundreds of wild animals every year. Wildlife are essential to the ecosystem of the Sonoran Desert and beyond. By helping animals, you help the world.
Join the movement to save wildlife and become a member of our Wild Family today.